Is Jobseekrs® free?
Yes! Jobseekrs® is completely free for job seekers – no adverts, no premium version, just a free app for you to be unbiasedly matched to diverse companies and suitable job opportunities .
Is Jobseekrs® only available on a desktop?
No, Jobseekrs® is available on the web and as a mobile app both on Android and iOS.
What kind of positions will I find on Jobseekrs®?
You will find a wide variety of roles on Jobseekrs® , ranging from graduate, full time, part time, temporary, contract positions , internships and apprenticeships . We also feature employers from several industries, so there is an opportunity for everyone on Jobseekrs®.
If I log in with Facebook, can companies see my Facebook profile?
No, they cannot however companies tend to look at potential candidate’s social media accounts during the screening process. As a rule of thumb, we would recommend you tidy up your profiles ahead of your job search!
Can companies see my answers to the company-culture questionnaire?
No, not at all. You r answers are not disclosed to any employer and are fully control led by you.
Can job seekers see my employees’ answers to the company-culture questionnaire?
No, not at all. Your employees answer the questionnaire anonymously and this data is not disclosed to any candidate or 3rd party organisations.
How is Jobseekrs® different from other places where I can post jobs?
With our job search engine, job seekers get access to jobs and employers reach relevant talent for every type of position. Jobseekrs® ensures employers are matched to the best quality candidate who not only fits the required skills for the job role advertised but also matches directly to a company’s culture. Jobseekrs® achieves this by focusing on;
a) Company – candidate culture – fit – enabling you to focus on the best fit for the company at a fraction of the cost
b) Pay – per – reveal model – Increase Diversity & Inclusion while mitigating unconscious bias
c ) Complete flexibility and control and spread your credits across all job roles d ) Continued interaction with candidate from in – app messaging, interview scheduling including video and face to face interviewing.
Jobseekrs® is a complete full suite in – house system from candidate sourcing through to potential employee interaction and subsequently employee on – boarding . Jobseekrs® gives employers the power to showcase a behind – the – scenes view of their true company culture through company (video stories) .
How much I should spend each month?
Unlike the traditional recruitment systems and methods , your ideal budget is not dependent on the number of jobs or the type of positions offered . Jobseekrs® charges the same per applicant regardless of the salary and location . As a result, your ideal budget will be dependent on how many candidates you ‘reveal ’ across all your job roles . Not sure where to start? Contact us for a recommended budget.
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