How It Works
The steps to find the perfect role for you
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What makes us different
Culture as a Service
Our intuitive AI can solve the ongoing demand for the cultural development of a business - identifying the fine line between culture fit and skill.
Providing Culture as a Service solves long-term biases in the workplace.

A new approach to hiring
Create Your Seekr Profile/ Post a job
To find a job, simply upload your CV. To post a job, choose your qualifications and what you’re looking for in an employee.
Video Interview
After hiring managers have made decisions about who they want to interview, the app will help find a time that suits everyone, and will finally arrange a video interview.
AI Assessment
Each candidate is asked a series of culture-add questions that help our AI determine how well they match a company’s evolving culture – this isn’t magic, it is AI.
Culture and Skill Matching
Human resource managers will never see photos or any other identifying information about applicants – only their culture and skill matches, as well as their qualifications. Our AI does the heavy lifting for you.
Interactive Video Discovery
Jobseekrs® is different from any other job site or employment agency because it allows candidates to learn about companies through interactive videos that display a company’s culture.
Hire the Perfect Person
Unconscious bias does not enter into the equation, because employers express their interest before knowing any personal information about their applicants. Great matches are made through an impartial AI.
For Employers
What Makes a Good Employee?
Does a person’s name, appearance, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or the way they express themselves affect their “fit” within your company? Whether we like it or not, every person in the human resources department has unconscious bias.
In fact, to have an unconscious bias you don’t even need to look down on any particular type of person, all it takes is getting along better with certain people than with others.
AI addresses these problems with which companies struggle by breaking the traditional hiring mold.
Fresh, new perspectives from a diverse range of qualified employees shake things up and turn on your business “innovation engine”.
One day, your diverse employee base may save you from making a business-killing decision.
For Candidates
Today’s highly qualified professionals stand out on merit
Forward-thinking human resources departments are looking for professionals like YOU. Not to fulfill some quota, but because they need A-team players who are qualified for the position and might even be able to bring new ideas to the table.
If you’re trying to find a job, you might be aware of the unconscious bias that exists - whether we want to admit it or not - but progressive companies are taking steps to mitigate unconscious bias and create amazingly diverse, culturally aligned teams that can attack problems from many different angles.
If you are currently job seeking, you can be just the employee they are looking for. With Jobseekrs®, you can get the job without ever being judged. Don’t trust us, trust our AI.

About Us
Using AI to find the right employees
The hiring process, whether done in-house or through an employment agency, usually involves screening candidates “by hand,” to find the best fit for the company. At Jobseekrs®, we believe in a totally novel way of screening candidates – using AI. AI starts with the culture the company desires and works backward from there.
As a result, our AI mitigates unconscious bias and gives a selection of the most qualified candidates, regardless of their personal details.
